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IT 专家谈 Microsoft .NET 毕业论文 外文翻译

关键字:         什么是.NET?

.NET 的定义

大家可能希望用一句话给“.NET”下一个定义。它是什么?它为什么值得我关注?.NET 是Microsoft 的软件战略,它能随时随地给使用任何设备的人带来帮助。

这句话很正确,但它是一个高度概括的定义,到头来还是不能让大家满意。对于正在构建解决方案的开发者、努力保持赢利的公司,以及在生活中需要使用大量技术和信息的消费者来说,它并没有道出.NET 究竟意味着什么。

.NET 主要与Internet 有关,而Internet 是人们对同一技术或现象往往会仁者见仁智者见智的又一例证。随便找一个人用一句话给Internet 下一个简单、清楚的定义,都会得到各式各样的回答:对开发人员来说,它是一个用于基于TCPI/IP 的分布式计算的协议堆栈和计算模型。对公司来说,它是一项期望大但往往收益小的技术。对消费者来说,它是一个庞大的信息、通讯和连接资源– 有时让人心烦意乱、垂头丧气,有时又让人感到如虎添翼。

.NET 与IT 专家 :

那么,对IT 专家来说,.NET 是什么呢?它是Microsoft 用以控制Internet 的一种方式吗?广而言之,.NET 是一个XML Web 服务平台,由以下部分组成:

一个用来建立 .NET 体验的软件平台 。

一个编程模型和一些工具,用来建立和集成XML Web 服务 。

一套可编程XML Web 服务 。

一种可让用户通过Web 与范围广泛的智能设备进行交互的方法,可保证让用户而非应用程序来控制交互过程。

一种可向用户提供个性化、简单、一致而且安全的应用程序、服务和设备的方法 。


.NET 中包括一个用来建立.NET 体验的软件平台,此平台指的是运行数据库的服务器、Web 服务器,以及其他一些系统。这与如今我们运行企业所用的产品并无太大区别;区别仅在于这些产品能力大小不同。如今我们有像Exchange 这样的邮件系统和像SQL Server 这样的数据库,而这些产品将成为.NET 的基本组件。而像用来在企业中组织信息的BizTalk Server,用来管理这些运行.NET 的服务器的Application Center,以及为移动用户提供服务的Mobile Information Server 等产品,也将成为.NET 的一部分。

.NET 产品将包括一个带工具的编程模型。这将使得开发人员能创建.NET 所基于的Web 服务。该模型就是“.NET 框架”,将在本文稍后部分讲述。

.NET 的最后一个组成部分是编程模型、工具和平台的最终结果。Web 服务将提供用户在Internet 第3 阶段所要求的服务和信息。因为这些Web 服务是可编程的,它们让用户可以用任何设备访问信息以及与其他站点和服务共享信息。

.NET 框架:

对于像.NET 这样的产品,我们必须提供一些组件以让开发者能够创建解决方案。通讯协议已经有了:XML、SOAP、HTTP 和HTML 都是工业标准,所以我们不必为开发协议而费心。为创建Web 服务,我们需要一定的工具,而Visual Studio.NET 正是用于这一目的的。我们还需要提供大纲、指南、框架和语言以帮助开发这些服务。这就是所谓的框架,其所处位置在工具之下,而又在通讯之上。....




Key words:         What is .NET?

Definition .NET:

Everybody possible to hope gives “.NET” with a speech the next definition. What is it? Why is it worth me paying attention? .NET is the Microsoft software strategy, it can anytime and anywhere give the human who uses any equipment to bring the help.

This speech is very correct, but it is a highly broad definition, cannot let everybody satisfaction in the end.Regarding the exploiter who constructs the solution, is maintaining the profit diligently the company, as well as needs to use massive technical and the information consumer in the life, it had not said actually .NET did mean any.

.NET mainly with Internet related, but Internet is the people an illustration which often can different people have different views to the identical technology or the phenomenon different people has different views. Looks for a person casually with a speech for Internet next simply, the clear definition, can obtain all kinds of reply: To the development personnel, it is uses in based on the TCPI/IP distributed computing agreement storehouse and the computation model. But to the company, it is an expectation greatly often the income small technology.Sometimes to the consumer, it is a huge information, the communication and the connection resources - lets the human be confused, be dejected, sometimes lets the human feel even more powerful.

.NET and IT expert:

That, to the IT expert, what .NET is? It is Microsoft uses to control Internet one way? Generally speaking, .NET is XML the Web service platform, is composed by the below part:

 Uses for to establish the .NET experience the software platform.

 A programming model and some tools, use for to establish and to integrate XML the Web service.

Set of programmable XML Web service.

One kind may let the user carries on the interactive method through Web and the scope widespread intelligence equipment, may guarantee but lets the user the non-application procedure control the interactive process.

 One kind may provide the personalization to the user, simple, identically moreover the safe application procedure, the service and the equipment method. Below we will state the content to above to make a detailed analysis.

n .NET uses for including one to establish the .NET experience the software platform, this platform refers is the movement database server, the Web server, as well as other some systems.This we moves the product with the present which the enterprise uses and does not have distinguishes too greatly; The difference only lies in these product ability size to be different.Now we will have look like the Exchange such mail system and look like SQL the Server such database, but these products will become .NET the basic module.But uses for in the enterprise to organize the information likely BizTalk Server, uses for to manage these to move .NET server Application Center, as well as provides the service for the mobile subscriber products and so on Mobile Information Server, also will become .NET a part.  The .NET product will include a belt tool the programming model.This will cause the development personnel will be able to found .NET based on the Web service.This model is “the .NET frame”, will narrate in this article later part.

The .NET last constituent is programs the model, the tool and the platform final outcome.The Web service will provide the user the service and the information which will request in the Internet 3rd stage.Because these Web service is programmable, they enable the user to be possible to use any equipment to visit the information as well as with other stands and the service sharing information.

This new computation model brings the possibility obtained prominent manifesting in under this imagination instance:

Steve Masters arrives San Francisco to travel on official business on official business, crosses time the street the mailman who is ridden by one the bicycle to damage.Steve uses his Web telephone and far in his hometown Jamie relation, she is his doctor in the office reception clerk.Not only Jamie knows Steve the position, moreover also can visit to the Steve near some clinic tabulation, these clinics may provide the service which his health insurance includes.She was Steve some clinic approximately doctor who separated in a street.Steve after obtained the medical treatment and nursing which needed to start off.





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