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项目 电路交换 包交换
呼叫设置 需要 不需要
专用物理线路 是 否
每个包沿相同路径 是  否
包的到达中有规则的 是 否
是否会致命的崩溃 是 否
带宽利用 固定 动态分配
可能的时间堵塞 在设置时 在每个包时
可能浪费带宽 是 否
以存储转发进行发送 否 是
透明性 是 否
收费 按分钟 按包

2.6 移动电话系统
1. 模拟声音
2. 数字声音
3. 数字声音和数据(互联网,电子邮件,etc.)
在欧洲采用颁布广泛的已经付费的移动电话的影响巨大(超过同地区的75%)。移动电话可以在很多的商店里购买而不像购买收音机那样需要很多手续。谁付费谁使用,他们预先存入,比如20或50 euro并且在快用完的时候可以用PIN码进行再充值。结果在欧洲几乎所有的青年和小孩都有一个(预付费的)移动电话,这样他们的父母就可以准确的定位他们而不用去担心孩子们会用掉一大笔帐的。如果仅在偶而使用移动电话,那么它的使用是基本免费的因为这里有月租或者预先支付呼叫。

2.6.1 第一代移动电话:模拟声音
    IMTS支持从150 MHz到 450 MHz的23条通道。由于通道太少,用户经常要等很长时间才能听到拔号音。也由于小山上的发送器的功率太大,为了不互相干扰邻近的系统不得不与它相距几百千米。总而言之,这有限的容量使用这系统有点不合实际应用。
  Option Explicit
  Dim SelectedSeries as Integer ′自定义变量
  Dim Rs() as String ′提取记录集用的字符串数组
  Private Sub Form_Load()
  AdScore.ConnectString=″Provider=Microsoft.OLEDB.3.51;Persist_Security Info=False;Data Source=学生信息″
  AdScore.RecordSource=″selet * from学生成绩order by成绩″
  Rs(1)=″select* from学生成绩where成绩=″+Chr(34)+″优″+_Chr(34)+″order by成绩″
Rs(2)=″select *from学生成绩where成绩=″+Chr(34)+″良″+_Chr(34)+″order by成绩″
Rs(3)=″select * from学生成绩where成绩=″+Chr(34)+″中″+_Chr(34)+″order by成绩″
Rs(4)=″select * from学生成绩where成绩=″+Chr(34)+″差″_Chr(34)+″order by成绩″
End Sub
  Private Sub McScore_SeriesSelected(Series as Integer,MouseFlags as _Integer,Cancel as Integer)
  End Sub
  Private Sub McScore_PointSelected(Series as Integer,DataPoint as_Integer,MouseFlags as
Integer,Cancel as Integer)
  End Sub
  Private Sub McScore_Db1Click()
  End Sub 
---- VB做为快速应用开发(RAD)工具越来越得到开发人员的认可和接受。它对许多API(如ODBC API、SOCKET API等等)的封装使得编程变得简单起来。同时,它支持集成开发环境下的可视化、事件驱动、面向对象等编程特点。下面,我们谈谈在VB中调用存储过程的实现方法及其注意事项。

---- 我们知道,VB的数据库编程有许多种方法,比如直接用ODBC API编程,这种方法灵活、高效,程序员可以实现对数据库复杂的控制;也可以用VB中的数据对象,如RDO(远程数据对象)、DAO(数据访问对象)、ADO(ActiveX 数据对象),这种方法实现起来方便、快捷,但灵活性较差一些。由于存储过程在实现数据封装、隐藏以及代码的预编译、减少网络负载、维护方便等优点,所以被许多RDBMS和编程工具做支持。VB中的各类数据对象也提供对存储过程的支持。

---- 我们以ADO为例来说明其实现的步骤

---- 1. 创建、调试存储过程。你可以在数据库中也可以在其他外挂程序的支持下进行存储过程的创建和调试工作。本例中的存储过程代码如下(使用PUBS的MS SQL中的例子库 ):

@job_id smallint,
@job_lvl tinyint
FROM employee
WHERE job_id < @job_id
AND job_lvl > @job_lvl

---- 2. 在VB中生成一个新的工程,工程有一窗体,一个COMMAND(NAME:COMMAND1) 按钮,一个 MSFlexGrid(NAME:MSFlexGrid1)控件。
---- 3. 创建连接ADO connection;

---- 4. 创建命令ADO command;

---- 5. 创建参数并设置各个参数的属性;

---- 6. 执行ADO command;

---- 7. 对数据进行处理;MSFlexGrid显示查询到的数据

---- 8. 释放连接,退出程序。

---- 其中代码如下:

Dim cnn1 As ADODB.Connection ‘连接
Dim mycommand As ADODB.Command ‘命令
Dim parm_jobid As ADODB.Parameter ‘参数1
Dim parm_joblvl As ADODB.Parameter ‘参数2
Dim rstByQuery As ADODB.Recordset ‘结果集
Dim strCnn As String ‘连接字符串

Set cnn1 = New ADODB.Connection
strCnn = "DSN=MYDSN;uid=sa;pwd="
cnn1.Open strCnn ‘打开连接
cnn1.Close ‘关闭连接
Set cnn1 = Nothing ‘释放连接

Dim i As integer
Dim j as integer
Set parm_jobid = New ADODB.Parameter
Set mycommand = New ADODB.Command
' parm_jobid.Name = "name1"
this line can be ommited
parm_jobid.Type = adInteger ‘


Electric circuit exchange network
and vb transfer database
The result of the connection setup with circuit switching is the reservation of bandwidth all the way from the sender to the receiver. All packets follow this path. Among other properties, having all packets follow the same path means that they cannot arrive out of order. With packet switching there is no path , so different packets can follow different paths, depending on network conditions at the time they are sent. They may arrive out of order.
Packet switching is more fault tolerant than circuit switching. In fact, that is why it was invented. If a switch goes down, all of the circuits using it are terminated and no more traffic can be sent on any of them. With Packet switching, packets can be routed around dead switches.
Setting up a path in advance also opens up the possibility of reserving bandwidth in advance. If bandwidth is reserved, then when a packet arrives, it can be sent out immediately over the reserved bandwidth. With packet switching, no bandwidth is reserved, so packets may have to wait their turn to be forwarded.
Having bandwidth reserved in advance means that no congestion can occur when a packet shows up (unless more packets show up than expected).On the other hand, when an attempt is made to establish a circuit, the attempt can fail due to congestion. Thus, congestion can occur at different times with circuit switching(at setup time) and packet switching(when packets are sent).
If a circuit has been reserved for a particular user and there is no traffic to send, the bandwidth of that circuit is wasted. It cannot be used for other traffic. Packet switching does not waste bandwidth and thus is more efficient form a system-wide perspective. Understanding this trade-off is crucial for comprehending the difference between circuit switching and packet switching. The trade-off is between guaranteed service and wasting resources versus not guaranteeing service and not wasting resources.
Packet switching uses store-and-forward transmission. A packet is accumulated. in a router’s memory, then sent on to the next router. With circuit switching, the bits just flow through the wire continuously. The store-and-forward technique adds delay.
Another difference is that circuit switching is completely transparent. The sender and receiver can use any bit rate, format, or framing method they want to. The carrier does not know or care. With packet switching, the carrier determines the basic parameters. A rough analogy is a road versus a railroad. In the former, the user determines the size, speed, and nature of the vehicle; in the latter, the carrier does. It is this transparency that allows voice, data, and fax to coexist within the phone system.
A final difference between circuit and packet switching is the charging algorithm. With circuit switching, charging has historically been based on distance and time. For mobile phones, distance usually does not play a role, except for international calls, and time plays only a minor role(e.g., a calling plan with 2000 free minutes costs more than one with 1000 free minutes and sometimes night or weekend calls are cheaper than normal).With packet switching, connect time is not an issue, but the volume of traffic sometimes is. For home users, ISPs usually charge a flat monthly rate because it is less work for them and their customers can understand this model easily, but backbone carriers charge regional networks based on the volume of their traffic. The differences are summarized in Fig.2-40.

Item Circuit Switched Packet Switched
Call setup Required Not needed
Dedicated physical path Yes No
Each packet follows the same route Yes No
Packets arrive in order Yes No
Is a switch crash fatal Yes No
Bandwidth available Fixed Dynamic
Time of possible congestion At setup time On every packet
Potentially wasted bandwidth Yes No
Store-and-forward transmission No Yes
Transparency Yes No
Charging Per minute Per packet

Both circuit switching and packet switching are important enough that we will come back to them shortly and describe the various technologies used in detail.

The traditional telephone system(even if it some day gets multi-gigabit end-to-end fiber) will still not be able to satisfy a growing group of users :people on the go .People now expect to make phone calls from airplanes ,cars ,swimming pools ,and while jogging in the park .Within a few years they will also expect to send e-mail and surf the Web from all these locations and more consequently ,there is a tremendous amount of interest in wireless telephony .In the following sections we will study this topic in some detail.
Wireless telephones come in two basic varieties :cordless phones and mobile phones(sometimes called cell phones),Cordless phones are devices consisting of a base station and a handset sold as a set for use within the home. These are never used for networking ,so we will not examine them further .Instead we will concentrate on the mobile system ,which is used for wide area voice and data communication.
Mobile phones have gone through three distinct generations ,with different technologies:
1. Analog voice
2. Digital voice
3. Digital voice and data(Internet ,e-mail ,etc.).
Although most of our discussion will be about the technology of these systems ,it is interesting to note how political and tiny marketing decisions can have a huge impact .The first mobile system was devised in the U.S. by AT&T and mandated for the whole country by the FCC .As a result ,the entire U.S. had a single(analog) system and a mobile phone purchased in California also worked in New York .In contrast ,when mobile came to Europe ,every country devised its own system ,which resulted in a fiasco.
Europe learned from its mistake and when digital came around, the government-run PTTs got together and standardized on a single system(GSM),so any European mobile phone will word anywhere in Europe .By then ,the U.S. had decided that government should not be in the standardization business ,so it left digital to the marketplace .This decision resulted in different equipment manufacturers producing different kinds of mobile phones .As a consequence ,the U.S. now has two major incompatible digital mobile phone systems in operation(plus one minor one).
Despite an initial lead by the U.S. , mobile phone ownership and usage in Europe is now far greater than in the U.S. Having a single system for all of Europe is part of the reason ,but there is more .A second area where the U.S. and Europe differed is in the humble matter of phone numbers .In the U.S. mobile phones are mixed in with regular (fixed) telephones .Thus ,there is no way for a caller to see if ,say ,(212)234-5678 is a fixed telephone (cheap or free call) or a mobile phone (expensive call).To keep people from getting nervous about using the telephone ,the telephone companies decided to make the mobile phone owner pay for incoming calls .As a consequence ,many people hesitated to buy a mobile phone for fear of running up a big bill by just receiving calls .In Europe ,mobile phones have a special area code (analogous to 800 and 900 numbers) so they are instantly recognizable .Consequently , the usual rule of “caller pays” also applies to mobile phones in Europe (except for international calls where costs are split).
A third issue that has had a large impact on adoption is the widespread use of prepaid mobile phones in Europe (up to 75% in some areas ).These can be purchased in many stores with no more formality than buying a radio .You pay and you go .They are preloaded with ,for example ,20 or 50 euro and can be recharged (using a secret PIN code ) when the balance drops to zero . As a consequence , practically every teenager and many small children in Europe have (usually prepaid ) mobile phones so their parents can locate them ,without the danger of the child running up a huge bill .If the mobile phone is used only occasionally ,its use is essentially free since there is no monthly charge or charge for incoming calls .
2.6.1 First-Generation Mobile Phones :Analog Voice
    Enough about the politics and marketing aspects of mobile phones .Now let us look at the technology ,starting with the earliest system .Mobile radiotelephones were used sporadically for maritime and military communication during the early decades of the 20th century .In 1946, the first system for car-based telephones was set up in St.Louis .This system used a single large transmitter on top of a tall building and had a single channel ,used for both sending and receiver .Such systems ,known as push-to-talk systems ,were installed in several cities beginning in the late 1950s.CB-radio,taxis,and police cars on television programs often use this technology.
  In the 1960s,IMTS(Improved Mobile Telephone System) was installed .It ,too ,used a high-powered (200-watt) transmitter ,on  top of a hill , but now had two frequencies ,one for sending and one for receiving , so the push-to-talk button was no longer needed . Since all communication from the mobile telephones went inbound on a different channel than the outbound signals ,the mobile users could not hear each other (unlike the push-to-talk system used in taxis).
    IMTS supported 23 channels spread out from 150 MHz to 450 MHz .Due to the small number of channels ,users often had to wait a long time before getting a dial tone .Also ,due to the large power of the hilltop transmitter ,adjacent systems had to be several hundred kilometers apart to avoid interference . All in all ,the limited capacity made the system impractical.
In VB6.0 MSChart controls is one function formidable high-level graph tool, has the rich graph plan function, may demonstrate two-dimensional and the three dimensional good chart, the linear chart, the cake chart and so on the many kinds of commonly used graph. Recently I in order to in double struck the graph when some region will the database content which corresponded with this region controlled on in DataGrid demonstrates, encountered many difficulties, finally used one to solve the problem from definition variable SelectSeries, concrete method as follows:
Supposes the database name is " the student information ", has one Access table " the student result ", its content is one class student's test result, includes the student number, the name, the result 3 fields, the result field form is the character, the value is " is superior ", " is good ", " center ", " the difference " center one.
Window Form1 includes one MSChart controls MC$score, the type for the two-dimensional cake chart, uses in to demonstrate each kind of result the student counts; One ADO controls AdScore uses in to connect the database; One DataGrid controls DgScore uses in by the form form demonstration database content.
The work process is: Double strikes the cake chart some region, then DgScore demonstrates the corresponding result the student name list.
Code as follows:
Option Explicit
Dim SelectedSeries as Integer ' from definition variable
Dim Rs () as String ' withdraws the character string array which the record compendium uses
Private Sub Form_Load ()
' Establishes DataGrid controls the data pool
DgScore.DataSource= " AdScore "
' Establishes ADO controls the connection character string and the initial record source, namely demonstration content
AdScore.ConnectString= " Provider=Microsoftc.oledb.3.51; Persist_Security Info=False; Data Source= student information "
AdScore.RecordSource= " selet * from student result order by result "
' Supposes in advance withdraws the SQL sentence which the recording uses
Rs (1) = " select * from the student result where result = " + Chr (34) + " is superior " + _Chr (34) + " order the by result "
Rs (2) = " select * from the student result where result = " + Chr (34) + " is good " + _Chr (34) + " order the by result "
Rs (3) = " select * from student result where result = " + Chr (34) + " center " + _Chr (34) + " order by result "
Rs (4) = " select * from student result where result = " + Chr (34) + " difference " _Chr (34) + " order by result "
End Sub
Private Sub MC$score_SeriesSelected (Series as Integer, MouseFlags as _Integer, Cancel as Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub MC$score_PointSelected (Series as Integer, DataPoint as_Integer, MouseFlags as
Integer, Cancel as Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub MC$score_Db1Click ()
' Changes ADO controls the record source and renovates
Adoc1.RecordSource=Rs (SeletedSeries)
End Sub
---- VB does for the rapid application development (RAD) the tool more and more obtains the development personnel's approval and accepts. It to many API (for example ODBC API, SOCKET API and so on) the seal causes the programming to change is simple. At the same time, it supports under the integrated development environment visible, the event actuates, to be object-oriented and so on the programming characteristic. Under, we chat in VB transfer the memory process the realization method and its the matters needing attention.

---- We know, the VB database programming has permits the many kinds of method, for instance straight takes over the use of ODBC the API programming, this method is flexible, is highly effective, the programmer may realize to the database complex control; Also may use in VB the data object, like RDO (long-distance data object), DAO (data visit object), ADO (ActiveX data object), this method realizes conveniently, quickly, but flexible worse somewhat. As a result of memory process in realization data merit and so on seal, hideaway as well as code pre- translation, reduced network load, maintenance convenience, therefore does by many RDBMS and the programming tool the support. In VB each 类数 also provides to saves the process according to the object the support.

---- We as regularly explain its realization take ADO the step

---- 1. Foundation, debugging memory process. You may also be allowed to hang the procedure in the database outside other under the support carry on the memory process the foundation and the debugging work. In this example memory process code is as follows (uses in PUBS MS SQL the example storehouse):

@job_id smallint,
@job_lvl tinyint
FROM employee
WHERE job_id < @job_id
AND job_lvl > @job_lvl

---- 2. Produces one new project in VB, the project has one window, one COMMAND (NAME: COMMAND1) button, one MSFlexGrid (NAME: MSFlexGrid1) controls.
---- 3. The foundation connects ADO connection;

---- 4. The foundation orders ADO command;

---- 5. The foundation parameter and establishes each parameter the attribute;

---- 6. Carries out ADO command;

---- 7. The logarithm according to carries on processing; MSFlexGrid demonstrates inquires data

---- 8. The release connects, withdrawal procedure.

---- Code as follows:

States below the variable in the window:
Dim cnn1 As ADODB.Connection ' connects
Dim mycommand As ADODB.Command ' orders
Dim parm_jobid As ADODB.Parameter ' parameter 1
Dim parm_joblvl As ADODB.Parameter ' parameter 2
Dim rstByQuery As ADODB.Recordset ' result collection
Dim strCnn As String ' connection character string

Joins the following code in the window LOAD event:
Set cnn1 = New ADODB.Connection
' Produces one connects
strCnn = \ " DSN=MYDSN; uid=sa; pwd=\ "
' Foundation system data pool MYDSN aims at the PUBS database
cnn1.Open strCnn ' opens connects
Joins the code as follows in window UNLOAD:
cnn1.Close ' the closure connects
Set cnn1 = Nothing ' the release connects

In button code as follows:
Dim i As integer
Dim j as integer
Set parm_jobid = New ADODB.Parameter
Set mycommand = New ADODB.Command
\' parm_jobid.Name = \ " name1\ "
this line can be ommited
parm_jobid.Type = adInteger '











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