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Hammer type breakers are applied to such each department as the cement plant , power plant ,etc. in a large amount, so its design has an extensive prospect and experience that can be used for reference. Its design essence is, formerly after total conceptual design, a design which points each main spare part , question of installing and making a reservation etc., and carry on the intensity to check and test to the specific part, and in relevant thematic parts, analysis of comparing question that the life-span of very beginning of the hammer lengthens in detail . In the design of each spare part , should include the choice , sureness , demand processed , structure craft satisfication of the size of the material , and the demand for cooperating with other parts, etc.. When the intensity is checked , should use relevant formulae , carry on the analysis of the dangerous position, need to check form , mapping , calculation ,etc.. Then to to install , work course , work situation after predict that carries on more overall inspection whole, give consideration to the question in such respects as maintaining and safety ,etc. at the same time . Finally , choose to analyse in machining accuracy , public errand to two groundwork parts, economy and dependability that the breaker soed as to ensure is designed finally.

Key Words :Hammer type breakers ,hammer ,intensity ,toleran

第1章 概述 1
1.1国内外破碎机发展情况 1
1.2破碎机的分类: 2
1.1.1破碎机的分类: 2
1.1.2锤式破碎机的分类: 2
1.1.3锤式破碎机的表达方法 2
1.3锤式破碎机的优缺点 4
1.3.1锤式破碎机的优点: 4
1.3.2锤式破碎机的缺点: 4
第2章 锤式破碎机的工作原理及破碎实质 5
2.1锤式破碎机的工作原理 5
2.2锤式破碎机的破碎实质 5
2.2.1破碎的目的和意义 5
2.2.2矿石的力学性能与锤式破碎机的选择 5
2.2.3破碎过程的实质 6
第3章  锤式破碎机的总体及主要参数设计 8
3.1锤式破碎机的总体方案设计 8
3.2破碎机的工作参数设计计算 8
3.2.1给料口的宽度和长度 8
3.2.2 转子直径和长度的计算 9
3.2.3转子转速计算 9
3.2.4破碎机型号选择 10
3.3 pc- 400 00的结构尺寸设计计算 12
3.3.1 电机功率的计算及电动机的选择 12
3.3.2确定输送带的型号 12
3.3.3计算带轮基准直径和带速 13
3.3.4 带的数量计算 15
第4章  锤式破碎机的主要零件尺寸设计 16
4.1转子的直径与长度: 16
4.2锤头质量的计算: 16
4.2.1锤头的结构设计 16
4.2.2锤头结构改造及耐磨性研究 18
4.2.3 改进的介绍 19
4.2.4 改进的效果 19
4.2.5 延长锤头使用寿命的研究 19
4.2.6 锤式破碎机中单颗粒物料的最大破碎力研究 20
4.2.7锤头合理调配的研究与应用 23
4.2.8 锤头材质的选择及改性 30
4.3圆盘的结构设计与计算 34
4.4主轴的设计及强度计算 34
4.4.1 轴的材料的选择 35
4.4.2 轴的最小直径和长度的估算 35
4.4.3 结构设计的合理性检验 37
4.4.4 轴的弯扭合成强度计算 39
4.4.5 轴的疲劳强度条件的校核计算: 42
4.5轴承的选择 44
4.5.1材料的选择 44
4.5.2轴承类型的选择 44
4.5.3 轴承的游动和轴向位移 45
4.5.4 轴承的安装和拆卸 46
4.6飞轮的设计与计算 46
4.7棘轮的选择 46
4.8蓖条位置调整弹簧的选择 47
4.9箱体结构以及其相关设计 48
4.9.1铸造方法 48
4.9.2截面形状的选择 48
4.9.3  肋板的布置 48
第5章 部分零部件上的公差和配合 50
5.1配合的选择 50
5.1.1 配合的类别的选择 50
5.1.2配合的种类的选择 50
5.2一般公差的选取 50
5.3形位公差 51
5.3.1形位公差项目的选择 51
5.3.2公差原则的选择 51
5.3.3形位公差值的选择或确定 52
结论 54
致谢 55
参考文献 56



上一篇:超声旋风铣削设计 机械毕业设计

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