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摘    要
 当网络已覆盖整个世界,当人们的学习、工作、生活已离不开Internet,我们没有理由不相信电子商务平台不被人们所接受,与现实市场并驾齐驱。 本人所选毕业设计研究课题《旅游电子商务网站》,是一个综合性的网上平台,通过网络平台开展信息资迅,网上互动,车票预订,房间预订,旅游线路预订等服务。展示电子商务的快捷、效率、底成本。课题主要研究内容为:电子商务平台安全;电子商务网站功能需求;电子商务发展概况;JSP开发环境;javascript语言;html语言;JSP语言;JAVA语言;数据库开发设计;MVC设计模式;使用Dreamweaver进行网页布局排版;使用Fireworks进行图片处理;使用Flash进行动画效果处理。













Jiangxi travel web
When the web have covered all of the world , people can not leave Internet to student work and life ,and the net becoming more and more strongly, there are no reasons to not accept it.
 I select “traveling all over the jiangxi provence” which is an eleetronical business affairs web site as my research subject before graduation.  We can complete information promulgating, communicat commutative,and ticket or room booking on such integrated web flat. All those functions show eleetronical business’s fast conveniency and high efficiency. There are thirteen research context in my object:the security of eleetronical business;The function of eleetronical business. The development status of eleetronical business;The development environment of JSP;Javascript language;Html language;Java language;JSP language;How to exploite date-base;MVC design method;Dreamweaver using;Fireworks using;Flash using;
 Electronical business web should think over the repetition,maintainability and feasibility of modules .  To information we must updata in time, it means reporting at first time to occupy the important position.  Keeping walk more step than others even if just one is a magic weapon of success in information service industry . So we must found a steady channel of information .  Except that the web must have own characteristic.  In travelling jiangxi province electronical business web there are some particular editions , like “007 excellent sight “ selecting ,” fascination guide “selecting, and the credit registing of travel agency.









【Key Words】JSP;MVC;JAVA;Electronical business;Web Transformation;Database;Information service .
目    录
第一章   绪  论 - 5 -
1. 1  电子商务整体发展概况 - 5 -
1. 2  电子商务在旅游方面的需求 - 5 -
1. 3  课题研究范围及存在问题 - 6 -
1. 4  系统特色模块及创新亮点 - 7 -
第二章   开发技术综述 - 8 -
2. 1  JSP技术 - 8 -
2. 2  关于TOMCAT - 9 -
2. 3  MYSQL及其管理工具介绍 - 9 -
2. 4  其它开发工具 - 9 -
第三章   系统需求分析与方案设计 - 11 -
3. 1  系统需求分析 - 11 -
3. 2  方案设计 - 11 -
3. 2. 1 开发测试环境搭建方案 - 11 -
3. 2. 2 系统功能模块方案选择 - 12 -
3. 2. 3 系统安全设计方案 - 13 -
第四章   系统设计 - 14 -
4. 1  详细设计 - 15 -
4. 1. 1 用户注册和登录系统 - 15 -
4. 1. 2 站内检索 - 17 -
4. 1. 3 留言系统 - 19 -
4. 1. 4 网上调查系统 - 20 -
4. 1. 5 BBS系统 - 21 -
4. 2  调试运行及结果分析 - 23 -
4. 2. 1 对JavaBean的调试运行 - 23 -
4. 2. 2 数据库开发调试运行 - 23 -
第五章   数据库设计 - 25 -
5. 1  数据库物理结构的设计 - 25 -
5. 2  数据库概念结构的设计 - 27 -
5. 3  数据库逻辑结构设计 - 27 -
第六章   总结及展望 - 29 -
谢 辞 - 30 -
参考文献: - 31 -



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